Offline Volume Cataloger

The purpose of the Offline Volume Cataloger (OVC) is to provide a fast and simple way to catalog, index, and later search the contents of volumes (eg. backup CDs) that will normally be stored offline.

This project plans to provide the following benefits over other similar software:
  • OVC is maintained as an open source project at SourceForge.  To learn about open source and why its a good thing, visit OSI.
  • OVC is implemented in Python with only standard and operating system independent packages.  In this way, I intend to maintain the project as an OS-independent application which will work "out of the box" on any platform for which Python and applicable packages are available (that includes Linux, Windows, Mac, and many others).
  • OVC is much faster than other similar software that I've used, both for cataloging and for searching.
  • OVC's catalog datafile format is a standard format (currently Python "shelve" format, XML is planned), so you'll never be left high-and-dry with a database that can't be used.  In fact, OVC catalog datafiles could be used within your own application.
  • OVC's find functionality supports powerful searching for files or directories using regular expressions.
  • All of OVC's code can be imported and its functions can be called as a library ("package") from your own code.  Use it and abuse it... it won't mind!
  • The task of cataloging is something so basic and utilitarian that I feel there should be various free options available to users.  I use it very often to locate files on backup and offload CDs
OVC is currently in the Alpha development stage, so you'll have to know a bit about open source, Python, and OVC to use it right now.  We hope to have a download-and-install available soon.

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Comments and questions may be addressed to Terrance Cohen: "tektor at RenaAndTerry dot com".